Current Lab Members

Yang Xu

Principal Investigator: Yang Xu, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor at Department of Computer Science, San Diego State University.

I will join Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) at Shenzhen, China, in Fall 2023.
You can contact me by my personal email address: innerfirexy AT gmail DOT com

DBLP page:

My research interest lies in the intersection of natural language processing, machine learning, psycholinguistics, and cognitive sciences. The research activities/questions that interest me include (but are not limited to): developing multi-modal machine learning models for huamn language, developing computational methods for the short-term adaptation in dialogue, designing human-centered interaction systems, and studying long-term change in language.

You can find more information in my CV

I am actively recruiting highly self-motivated Ph.D. students. Please visit CSRC, Computational Science and Research Center for more information about the program.

Yang Cheng

Yang Cheng (chengyang2156 AT gmail DOT com)

Master student of Computer Science, at University of Southern California.

Working on multi-modal language models for joint learning task of verbal and gestural communication signals.

Richard Wang

Richard Wang (richardcwang2020 AT gmail DOT com)

Hight student volunteer.

Working on information theoretical models of writing system of Chinese language. Worked on microfluidics video data processing, blood cells recognition and clumping detection.

Previous members

Twinkal Kantilal Gada

Twinkal Kantilal Gada (tgada9137 AT sdsu DOT edu)

Master student of Computer Science, at San Diego State University.

Worked on medical image processing; blood vessel segmentation.

Alex Lu

Alex Lu (maodou1258 AT gmail DOT com)

Hight student volunteer.

Worked on blood vessel segmentation project.

Kavya Lnu

Kavya Lnu (klnu7276 AT sdsu DOT edu)

Master degree in Computer Science from San Diego State University. Graduated in 2021.


Shravani Belgamwar (sbelgamwar3697 AT sdsu DOT edu)

Master degree in Computer Science from San Diego State University. Graduated in 2021.


Nika Nizharadze (nnizh13 AT gmail DOT com)

I am a Master student at the Department of Computer Engineering, San Diego State University. I am interested in big data processing and analytics, machine learning, and computational linguistics.


Xinyue Zhang (xinyuecheol AT gmail DOT com)

Master degree in Computer Science from San Diego State University. Graduated in 2021.

Kaiwen Feng

Kevin Feng

Master degree in Computer Science from San Diego State University. Graduated in 2020.